
A Limerick to Harry

My fellow bloggers have inspired me over the last few days to take up the writing of a Limerick. I love rhymes and poetry, so I’ve decided to write one. The subject was difficult to come up with, and then I saw my cats looking at our new friend in the garden, so the idea is based on that.

A Limerick to Harry

There’s a hedgehog under my shed his name’s Harry,

Christened today in a hurry,

The cats they both know,

Saw him out the window,

I was eating kebab, kids had curry.


He’s feisty the hedgehog and hardy,

The cats they’re aware and gone mardy*,

He comes out at night,

The cats jump in fright,

Trots towards them quite brave and foolhardy**


He’s been there 3 weeks now and thriving,

I feed him some food when arriving,

Walks back to his shed,

And makes up his bed,

He’s content, I’m happy, cats still prying.


He’ll be safe in the garden I’m sure,

He’s strong old Harry, what’s more….,

The cats they are freaked,

The dog’d rather eat,

I’ll look after him, I’ll vouch and assure x

Footnote: *Mardy. A regional Leicester word used to describe someone that is annoyed and upset.

**Alternative line…He’s cute want to knit him a cardi! (Short for cardigan, the woollen open jumper variety that grandma’s knit for small babies. They look particularly fetching on hedgehogs so I’ve been told. Just think about Mrs Tiggy-Winkle in the Beatrix Potter books. (I need to get a life!!!)

Waiting cat number 1


Waiting cat number 2






PS.. Ignore the grass. Heatwave has wrecked it.

PPS..Ignore the shed door. Heatwave has dropped it.


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