

I am really lucky because I have a best friend. Would you like me to tell you how we met?

I have a very strong memory of this day, the day I met my best friend. I was sitting in my class, a little shy 7-year-old, who had just been moved into the class from another; so I was extremely nervous. I was sitting at a double desk alone, mainly because I didn’t know anyone. The door opened and a teacher came in with a new girl to the school who was equally nervous and she stood there and looked at me. The teacher announced to the class the little girl’s name and I put my hand up and asked if she could sit next to me, and she proceeded to do so. This was the beginning of a friendship that has lasted for 38 years!

She is more than just a friend, she is like a sister to me. We have grown up together very closely, and it has certainly helped with us living in the same area. We have spent time with each other’s families and we have also been on trips together. We were inseparable at secondary school, and met our first boyfriends at the same time.

Upon leaving the school she went to college and I started work, but we still saw each other socially every week. The sad part of our relationship was that we lost touch for about 8 years, but became close again when we found out we were having our babies at the same time. Our children have grown up together and we regularly meet on a weekly basis for tea or a drink.

I wanted to write this post today to say thank you to her. I am an only child so to have someone of my own age to rely on and be close to has been wonderful. Our friendship is incredibly relaxed. It is open and requires honesty on both parts. If I need her to be honest with me she will, even if it hurts, and vice versa.

We have never had a cross word or a fall-out in the whole time of our friendship, which is pretty good going I think. We have the same sense of humour and share many of the same interests.

True friendship that makes you feel valued and appreciated is worth more than anything and I am so proud to have her as my friend.

I have included a photograph of our trip to London that we did last year. A lady kindly took the picture for us in Covent Garden and I love it.

X Pip

PS… Notice the words in the A A Milne quote from his book ‘Winnie the Pooh’. As children, we have fun and play games with our friends without really giving it a thought, and yet we are creating memories that stay with us forever.  Thank you, Louise x

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