A Love Letter to Rain
To My Dearest Rain
Before I begin this letter of heartfelt appreciation describing my gratitude to you, can I just say how I have missed you, longed for you in fact; and I never wanted to admit that up to now because I always complained about you didn’t I? Those countless times in the past when I wanted to take a day trip and you appeared in the morning, battering on my window pane threatening to spoil my day, which you did quite few times. Oh, and the way you used to make me look an absolute mess when I ventured out dressed up quite lovely for a date and you were quite adamant on making my mascara run, my hair look wild whilst plastering it all over my face.
We haven’t really had a close relationship you and me have we when you think about it? Do you remember the time I went on holiday to Devon for two weeks and you absolutely wrecked it didn’t you, to the point where I couldn’t go out anywhere, stayed in the caravan and gave everything up as a bad joke and returned home early with you still hot on my tail. You’ve been actually a right pain in the neck sometimes haven’t you??
Nevertheless, this is supposed to be a letter of love; not of words to scold you with, therefore, I’m sorry. I need to tell you something that’s moved me over the last few days when you made an appearance after – what is it now, 8 weeks?
I love the summer as you know, but goodness me when you fell into my life again 2 days ago I could have hugged you, and I did. I stood outside and let you fall all over me because that bloody heatwave has driven me completely nuts and I’d had enough.
And so you’ve been falling over this soft and gentle country for 48 hours now and you have been truly marvellous. You have made our lives fresh again, made the grass and plants quite perky and reminded us all of how wonderful you truly are.
I will never call you again Dear Rain; you are simply the best and I love you xxxx

M.L. James
Wow! I was reading from another blogger about the terrible heatwave with damned little air conditioning that y’all have been experiencing! I’m feeling grateful this morning because on this 30th day of July, we in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area of Texas have a 70 percent chance of rain today and the high temps today are
only supposed to be around 87/88 degrees. Very unusual for this time of year, but I’m going to appreciate every second of it before 100 plus degrees kicks back in! Glad to hear the heatwave has broken for both of us! God bless that sweet, beautiful rain!
I’m just not cut out for the hot weather:I like it cool. How are your winters in Texas ?
Yes I think it’s the lack of air conditioning that makes it difficult to bear. It is now about 18 so I am relaxing in the freshness
Allen T. St. Clair
I think that I’m the blogger that Mona was talking about. HA! And, like Mona, I’m glad that Texas is getting some unseasonably mild temperatures (i.e. in the low 90’s and high 80’s F). And we have a chance of rain every day for the next two weeks! Such a blessing! That heatwave in July nearly did me in! I’m with you, Pip. Rain is the best.
We have had a good weeks worth of rain and I’m so grateful. The grass is now green. I love it warm, but not scorching