Cauliflower Cheese
Cauliflower.. Yum! Cheese.. Yum! Here we go…. Ingredients 1 large cauliflower (leaves cut off), broken into pieces 500ml milk 4 tbsp flour 40g butter or margarine 100g Red Leicester or strong cheddar cheese,…
Mince Pies
Have a go at making your own, they taste so much better x 240 g plain flour 60 g vegetable fat (Trex) 60 g unsalted butter 1 medium orange small pinch of salt…
Pip’s Beef Cannelloni
My children have never been particularly forthcoming with praise in regard to anything that requires cooking on a hob or in the oven. This Cannelloni, (I never knew how hard it was to…
Madeira Cake
After we’d chowed down this Madeira Cake, I had an urge to reaffirm in my middle-aged brain that in fact all of my reasonings on the origin of Madeira Cake were true. That…
Annarita’s Spaghetti Bolognese
I have a friend, an Italian friend. In fact, she’s as authentically Italian as you can get. She came from a town in Italy on the heel of the boot. Have a look…
Chocolate Flutterby Cakes
I know these are meant to be called ‘Butterfly Cakes’, but I call them ‘Chocolate Flutterby Cakes’. It is a name given to them by my youngest son, when we made them together…