Mental Quirks

  • Mental Quirks

    Health Anxiety

    Health anxiety is a condition that is sometimes seen as similar to OCD.  Those affected by this condition have a preoccupation with their health and that they are suffering with a serious illness.…

  • Mental Quirks

    Living with Anxiety

    Somebody asked me the other day what it’s like to live with anxiety. The fortunate ones among us who have never experienced this debilitating condition are baffled by the word anxiety and the…

  • Mental Quirks

    De Ja Vu, 3 Years On

      By now readers you are aware that I have an issue with anxiety and the occasional panic attacks, which sometimes come out of the blue and knock me for 6!  I’ve been…

  • General,  Mental Quirks

    My Social Anxiety

    I was invited out to a work party not too long back, and I had to decline the invitation. Not for any other reason, apart from the fact that I have social anxiety…