Diary Entry-27/03/2017-Joyeux anniversaire!
Happy Birthday, to Meee….!
It is my birthday today. I’m choosing not to confess my age, as it sends me into a cold sweat, but I’m definitely within the middle-age bracket. Apart from that, my birthday has been pretty good, compared to last year, which was dire! I remember last year’s very well, and, without going into too much detail, I had lost my job and my dog had died – on my actual birthday. Therefore, the 27th March will always be tinged with a little sadness. Today, though, was a lot better, thank goodness!
Last Tuesday, whilst attending my French class, my fellow students sang ‘Happy Birthday’ French-style, using ‘Joyeux anniversaire’ instead. It was very special and I was quite overcome and blushed beetroot red. So, that little bit of prep for the big day made me feel quite positive.
I was woken with a cup of coffee by my eldest child and opened my cards. They were lovely, with sweet little messages inside. I went to work carrying the usual cream cakes for the staff, and cookies for the children. To be honest, I think that everybody should take a day off on their birthday and stay in bed until lunchtime, but I need to earn money, so no choice on that score. It was a busy day as usual, yet, at short intervals throughout the morning and afternoon,  I was serenaded with ‘Happy Birthday’ many times by the little ones, and given numerous  pretend cakes made out of play dough and Sticklebricks. I’ve never received so many birthday cakes made out of different materials.
So, as birthdays go, it was pretty Ok!
Pip xÂ
(Celebration drink in a few days!..*hic*)