Diary Entry-29/03/2017-Busy Girl
I’ve been a very busy bee today – well, tonight, to be more precise, picture-framing and baking since 7-ish, between taking the dog out and doing the usual mundane household chores.
The reason for my rushed-off-my-feet-ness is because of a charity event occurring at work tomorrow for ‘Rainbows’, the hospice for children and young people. A work colleague has organised the event to raise money for the charity, inspired by the help they provided to a close friend of hers. So, there’s a cake sale tomorrow and an auction in a couple of months.
I’ve made a couple of nice things for the event and hope they fetch a bit of money. I’ll let you know how much is raised in May. So, I’m looking forward to a special day tomorrow, for a great charity, for young people in the UK.