• Stuff I Like

    Funny Clips

    I’ve been feeling pretty crappy lately and very down in the dumps. I’ve had a horrid couple of weeks with this and that and I was sitting thinking tonight that I would love…

  • My Art

    Oxford Building in Watercolour

    I really enjoy painting buildings, especially historic ones. I was browsing Pinterest this evening and looking specifically for photographs taken in cities of England, like Bath, York and Oxford etc. I came across…

  • Random

    Cold Snap!!!

    This has got to be the coldest day, ever. In fact, the weather man/woman informed the British public that yesterday was the coldest day since records began. The city in which I live,…

  • Mental Quirks

    Living with Anxiety

    Somebody asked me the other day what it’s like to live with anxiety. The fortunate ones among us who have never experienced this debilitating condition are baffled by the word anxiety and the…