
  • Words

    Podged up to the Eyeballs!

    The English language is full of wonderful and downright weird phrases. My grandmother, after eating a very large dinner would exclaim that she couldn’t possibly eat any more as she was “Podged up…

  • Words

    A Snippet of Shakespeare

    A while back, I took an English course, which helped immensely in the search for jobs, over the last few years, and still today. At the beginning of the 30-weeks, the tutor gave us…

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    The Vets

    This is a true story. Dexter’s Cough   My dog has been forlorn this week, Because he’s had a cough. Yet still his normal sprightly self, Loud and going Woof!   His nose…

  • Words

    My Son

    This is a letter to you dear son to tell you how proud you have made me this week. You revised so hard for your exams, without too much prompting on my part.…